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FEATURE - January 2017 - Kansas City

A Chakra Circus of Health - Your Seven Powers of Intention

by Sumya Anani


Your life is a work of art. Every year, we get another sacred opportunity to discover our purpose, achieve new levels of success, bust through personal blocks, and make dreams come true.


As a lifecoach, I use the chakric system as a map to help clients set yearly resolutions. Together, we pinpoint areas of personal transformation and professional growth.


Below are seven habits of health that align with the organizing principles of the seven chakras. These are used in my youth programs with wonderful results. We can all benefit from these healthy habits.


Get out your pen and journal. Writing goals down sets your internal GPS towards the reality you want to create.


Ready. Set. 2017 here we come!


1. Nutrition

You can change your nutritional habits. Your health, vitality, and awesomeness depend on how you fuel yourself.  This is a work in progress for us all. 


Pay attention to how food affects you. It took me years to realize that dairy is a toxin for my system. Wean yourself from foods that don't add to your positive energy levels and replace them with healthier options. Your body is always communicating with you. Listen. What is one intention for creating healthier rituals around food?


2. Exercise

Once properly fueled, you'll open up reservoirs of energy to explore the miracle of your body. Try a new form of movement. Add a physical activity that involves the community, like dancing. Too many of us go to the gym with our iPods on and we miss out on valuable ways to find that perfect workout partner.   


As a former world champion boxer, I relied on many forms of exercise to get in tip top shape. Varying your workout reduces both injury and boredom. There are infinite ways to find joy in moving. Focus on activities that develop strength, flexibility, and endurance to target those critical aspects of health.


3. Learning & Self-Confidence

Learning new things adds joy to our lives, boosts self-esteem, and keeps our brains active. Sign up for a new class or workshop. The happiest people are always learning.


Community colleges are a great resource for everyone. Check out for a list of credit and non-credit courses. Take a philosophy or world history class. What about a painting, crocheting, or a culinary class?


Go to the local libraries and check out books on CD. It's the perfect way to get an education if you have a long commute to work. Explore something new around KC. Learn about the history of your city or a neighboring city. Take a daytrip to Atchison and visit 'The Dharma Yoga School.'


Boredom is never an option if you're open to learning and asking questions. What new activity or skill would you like to try this year? Be curious. Be brave. Expand your horizons.


4. Environment

Many are concerned about Trump's environmental policies. Recently, a mom posted her young daughter's comment to someone who said they didn't care about the environment. 

"If you don't care about the environment, then move to Mars." Oh, how I love that answer!


What environmental commitments can you make?  Can you call your Senators and Representatives to voice concerns about preservation of the natural world? Tell them to invest in solar and wind energy. Be an active voice. It's your right. Whether you believe in global warming or not, the fact is fossil fuels are limited. Native Americans understood their actions affected seven generations. What kind of world will we leave for our great great great grandchildren?


Join an environmental group like Bridging the Gap or the local chapter of Sierra Club. Learn alternative ways to have a positive influence on the climate. Do you take advantage of area recycling programs? Clean air and water is essential for everyone. Preserving our oceans and forests is everyone's responsibility.   


5. Family & Community

Many people are lonely, in spite of the many social medias that make the world seem smaller.  How can you reach out to others? Write down a few ways to make new friends and build community connections. Create a new family ritual. Take turns making surprise date nights with your partner. Go on 'field trips' with your friends. People who are socially connected are happier and healthier.


How can you volunteer your time and give back to the community? Local animal shelters are a good place to start. Maybe you can adopt a pet from the ASPCA. Pets are part of the family too.     


6. Global Appreciation

We are all global citizens now. We learn so much about ourselves and our own culture when we learn about other cultures.


What international destinations are on your bucket list? How long have you wanted to go to the Fiji Islands, Australia, or Italy? Start your research in the library. How can you begin to save money for these once in a lifetime trips?


Have you wanted to speak a new language? Join a club. Most colleges have international clubs.  


You don't have to go out of the country for a taste of the world. The Nelson Atkins Museum of Art hosts many international art exhibits. Looking for a great multi-cultural gift? Check out Ten Thousand Villages in downtown Overland Park.


7. Spirituality

What spiritual qualities would you like to embody more in thought, word, and action? Patience, acceptance, and love are a few ecumenical qualities we can all aspire to living.  Begin with your own inner dialogue. Do you lovingly talk to yourself? Are you critical of your body? Take time to reflect and write down new affirmations to improve the quality of your thinking. 


I call it 'weight training for the mind.' When you lift dumbbells, every repetition makes a difference. The mind benefits in the same way. Every time you think a positive, loving thought you are using the 'Law of Attraction' in beneficial ways. Think, read, write, and speak affirmations often. Thoughts become words, and words become actions.


Every year, every day is an opportunity to grow, expand, and thrive. Let's make 2017 our year of growth in these seven areas.

Evolving Magazine

Kansas City

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Sumya Anani owns Learning2Fly, an aerial fitness and party center in Mission, KS. She offers regular classes, birthday and bachelorette parties. Her youth camps and K-12 field trips, 'A Chakra Circus of Health,' are loved by parents, educators, and kids. Visit or


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